Standing Committees

Area Representatives (ToR: 110416-12; 180113-07
 Jennifer Schafer-Central (Chair) ('27) Janet McDonald-East ('26)
 Kennedy Kimber-Johnson-West ('27) heather nicholson-Central East ('25)
 Mary Loree-Central West ('26) Shirley Reinders-North East ('26)

Bursary and Scholarship  
 Joanna Fleischmann (Chair) Barbara Neal
 Joan Bolam Joan Plume

Communications (ToR: 110219-05; 110416-07; 120421-12) 
 Kim Leitch (Chair)-Webmaster ('25) Randy Mills-Email tree coordinator ('25)
 Andrea Gray-Newsletter editor ('26) 
 Randy Mills-Social Media ('26) 
Development (ToR: 170930-04) 
 Rob Cairns (Chair) Maddy Lang
 Maddy Lang 

Education (ToR: 111014-10; 130209-07; 160624-08)  
 Dominique Moreau (Chair) Debbie McMackin
 Amy Baker Lorna Williamson
 Joyce Hagarty 
 Randy Mills 

Governance (ToR: 111014-12  
 Kim Leitch (Chair) Linda Wilson
 Lloyd Winfield 

 Honorary Membership (Tor: 2007-02-17; 190622-08 
 Not currently active 

Nominating (Tor: 160409-11)  
 Helen Coxon (Chair) heather nicholson
 Tina Burden 

Programs (2-year terms) (ToR: 120421-05; 160624-08; 190622-10)  
 Lisa Kyriakides (Chair) Sue Linley
 Martha Bailkowski-Music Lending coordinator ('26) Barbara Peaker-Instrument Loan program
 Nagaty Banayoty Janet Thacker
 Margaret Grozelle Lloyd Winfield

Ad Hoc Committees

Member Terms: Generally, for the life of the committee

2025 Festival (Tor: 2019-06-22)  
 Rob Cairns (Chair, facilities, registration) Clara Tuckey-Publicity, social media
 Gail Bowes-Workshops Deb Koudys-Food & catering coordinator
 KC Cann-Music selection, mini rings Joanne Gray-Secretary
 Lisa Kyriakides-Music selection, President ex officio Martha Bailkowski-Member at large
 Maddy Lang-Workshops, registration Margaret Grozelle-Member at large

Working Groups

Member Terms: Generally, for the life of the Working Group

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