Music Lending Library

Music Lending Library Tutorial

Music Titles that Work for Social Distance Playing

Our Music Lending Library Coordinator, Martha Bailkowski, has curated a selection of titles that may be helpful to choirs wanting to start back up and are looking for suitable music. Each of these pieces has enough copies for every ringer using the lowest number of bells. For example, with music that can be played with 3 to 5 octaves of bells, the list has enough copies so choirs playing 3 octaves in the standard 11 positions plus conductor, will each have their own music. However, not all pieces have enough copies for those ringing 4 or 5 octaves. In addition, there is no bell sharing so social distancing is possible.

Click HERE for the complete list.


The Music Lending Library is a collection of handbell music available for OGEHR members to borrow free of charge. Some of this resource has been purchased by OGEHR and some has come through ringer donations. A list of all the titles plus additional pertinent information is available in three formats:

Click HERE for the full list.

Click HERE for the small ensemble list.

Click HERE for the full choir music sorted by level.


It is easy to borrow music and it can be done in a couple of ways. If you see a title of interest from the music listed online send an email to Martha Bailkowski, the Music Lending Library Coordinator, Contact her as well if you have questions about any of the music. OGEHR will pay the postage to mail the music to you. Alternatively, if you are at a workshop or Festival and the Lending Library is present, you may browse through the music and make a selection then.

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind. Music is loaned out for up to one year and we ask that the maximum number of pieces borrowed at any time is four. The person borrowing the music is responsible for getting it back to the Library in good condition.

In order to borrow music from the Lending Library, you need to be an OGEHR member in good standing. Not a member yet? Please click here


Donations are a very important part of building our collection. If you or your choir has music you feel you will not need any longer, please consider donating it.

Also, gifts of new music could be made with a special person or occasion in mind. An amount of say $50.00 to $75.00 would purchase a set of music and a special acknowledgement could be added to each copy. For example, as a thank you to your director or to remember a ringer, a choir could contribute money for music which would then have the person’s name added to it. Or a bell choir could provide funds for a piece special to them in some way and the choir would be acknowledged on the music.


Requests for specific music or additional copies of a title we already own will be considered.

Important Information

  1. In order to borrow music from the Lending Library, you need to be an OGEHR member in good standing. Not a member yet? Please click here
  2. It is the responsibility of the person borrowing the music to ensure it is returned to the library in good condition.
  3. If any music is lost, the borrower will be responsible for purchasing either the same title or a different piece of music at the discretion of the Music Lending Library Coordinator.
  4. Marking the music with a light pencil is okay but do erase any markings when you are finished.
  5. Please do not separate the pages.
  6. Please do not add tape anywhere on the music.
  7. A maximum of four titles can be borrowed for up to one year.
  8. It may be that there are not enough copies of some pieces for each ringer to have their own, so sharing is often necessary. It is against copyright law to photocopy originals.
  9. Music should be returned to Martha Bailkowski - location to be confirmed.

Contact Information

Please contact Martha Bailkowski, Music Lending Library Coordinator, with questions or comments.

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