About Terry Head

Terry Head was the Vice President of the Ontario Guild of English Handbell Ringers in 2019 and a Director from 2016 to 2019. Terry was active in the handbell community as a director, conductor, clinician, educator, and performer.

Tragically, on the night of November 18, 2019, Terry was taken from us. Terry was a thoughtful, caring, authentic, faithful person who is dearly missed. He was loved and respected wherever he played his song. This memorial fund is dedicated to his memory.

For tributes and honours, please see the Legacy, below.

Terry Head's Legacy

The Memorial Scholarship

The Memorial Scholarship was created to be used to award opportunities for handbell musicians to pursue the ideals that Terry held throughout his life. The award(s) may be used for any payment, fee, lessons, training, or other related costs to further an individual's knowledge as a director, conductor, clinician, educator, or performer.

Thanks to very generous donors, to date, $7,558.55 has been raised to help foster the next generation of handbell leaders in Ontario.

The very first Terry Head Memorial Scholarship was awarded in the spring of 2024 and will be announced at the 2025 Festival.

We are now accepting applications for the 2025 Terry Head Memorial Scholarship. Applications will be accepted until March 15, 2025.

Scholarship Criteria

Value: The Memorial Scholarship will distribute awards based on the number of applicants and the prospective impact on the OGEHR community.


  • The Memorial Scholarship will be used to award opportunities for handbell musicians to pursue the ideals that Terry held throughout his life.
  • The award(s) may be used for any payment, fee, lessons, training or other related cost to further an individual’s knowledge as a director, conductor, clinician, educator, or performer.


  • Each applicant to the fund should indicate how he/she would like to spend the funds awarded.
  • The Board-appointed Bursary & Scholarship Committee will review all applications and make recommendations at the April Board meeting.
  • More than one person can receive a scholarship from the fund in a given year.
  • Applicants will be evaluated on the merit of their proposal, rather than competing against one another.
  • The fund will be awarded annually, however, it will be officially presented at the biannual Festival to all the successful applicants.
  • The Guild will transfer the approved amount to the successful applicant(s) by cheque.
  • The deadline for submitting applications is March 15th, annually. Applications received after this date will not be considered and the applicant will need to reapply. Applications should be submitted to the Bursary & Scholarship Committee, c/o OGEHR Treasurer at treasurer@ogehr.ca.

Terry Head Memorial Scholarship Application

To apply for the Terry Head Memorial Scholarship, please complete the application form below. Your application will be reviewed by OGEHR's Scholarship and Bursary Committee.

Please click HERE for the application form.

Donating to the Terry Head Memorial Scholarship

Donate by cheque:
Please make cheque payable to the Ontario Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Memorial Scholarship and mail to OGEHR Membership Secretary, Joanne Gray, at 21 Moir Street, Peterborough, Ontario, K9H 1S4.

Donate online:
Please complete the online form below.

Tax receipts:
Receipts will be issued upon receipt of donation.

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The Fauré Requiem

On Sunday, November 15, 2020 the one year anniversary of Terry's tragic death was remembered in the Service at First-St. Andrew's United.  The FSA Chamber Choir and Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of Erich L. Knapp, performed the Fauré Requiem.  It was a beautiful musical remembrance in Terry's memory.

Fauré Requiem Honouring Terry Head

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